Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Lotte Lehmann Wants to Forget About Europe

This is a newspaper article that was in the paper on September 16th, 1938. It is an article about how when I arrived in America, I wanted to forget all about Europe.,2881643&dq=lotte+lehmann&hl=en

"Lotte Lehmann Wants to Forget About Europe."Reading Eagle 16 September 1938: n. pag. Web. 23 Mar 2011. <,2881643&dq=lotte+lehmann&hl=en>.

Lotte Lehmann

This is a picture of myself taken in the late 1930's. During that time I reached my 'peak' as an artist and really began to make a huge impact on the world.

"Lotte Lehmann." Web. 23 Mar 2011. <>.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Der Rosenkavalier

The link below is to a video of me singing Der Rosenkavalier. I love sharing my talent with the world, and to be able to have videos of me singing is truly an honor.

"Lotte Lehmann in Der Rosenkavalier." Web. 22 Mar 2011. <>.

A Despicable Man

This is a picture of a man I absolutely despise. Adolf Hitler and his plans made it impossible to perform in my own country. I had to travel to America to get proper audiences. Luckily, I was able to go back to my home to perform after the dreaded war was over.

"Adolf Hitler." Adolf Hitler 1889-1945. Web. 22 Mar 2011. <>.