Sunday, April 17, 2011



  1. a similarity between us is that we both had challenges that we had to overcome you with the world wars that must of been terrable for you to go long a long time not being allowed to perform

  2. I'm so very glad to say we have so similarities. We'll have so much to discuss at dinner! We both struggled in our early lives and had to work very hard for the career we would have in the future. I also came from a family who shard the same art as I did. My father had a traveling acting company with my god-father. My father, like your mother, was my main mentor. I had to stay by my mother's bedside as well when she was ill. She passed away when I was fourteen. I took my art very seriously and you did as well and I deeply respect that.

  3. Bonjour, Lotte! We do have a lot of similarities, and you are a very interesting lady. The war did make a big impact in every once life. It is always hard to look on the brighter side but I will take it from you and try to look on the bright side. You were smart to move where the business was, to America. You are a beautiful opera singer. Your voice combs my mine. You are an extremely talented vocalist, and I thank you for your advice.
