Sunday, April 17, 2011



  1. Well Lotte, I really enjoyed reading your blog and learning about your wonderful career! Even though I am a stage actor and you're a singer, we aren't much different at all! It's refreshing to find another artist who experienced similar struggles but overcame them, became successful and well-known around the entire world! Many congrats to your very successful career and I hope to speak to you more about it at dinner!

  2. Lotte your act 1-Arabella’s Aria-“Aria der Richtige, wenn’s einen gibt fϋr mich auf diesser Welt (Sung in German) (Richard Strauss) was so amazing. Ha you are very funny. You could problem composing a piece better then La Valse. You had a few struggles but you are inspiriting women and we will meet, and talk a lot at the dinner.

  3. surriving hitler must of been hard I have a lot of respect for you living as an artist with some one like him runing you country. i can see you wanting to get out and you did! you are a wonderful person
