Monday, March 21, 2011

The Royal Opera House

This is a picture of the Royal Opera House in London. It is a very important place to me because I made my London debut performance in 1914, and also had my farewell performance here in 1951. Being able to have that wonderful opportunity is something I will never forget.

"The Royal Opera House." Web. 21 Mar 2011. <>.


  1. You are very lucky to have performed at such a wonderful place! What was it like to perform there?

  2. Lotte! You are so interesting to learn about. I noticed you performed at the Royal Opera House in London. That's fantastic! I performed for the Queen in London, it was n experience to last a lifetime!

  3. Madam, it was such a great honor to perform there! I enjoyed every second I was on stage.

    Eleanora, that is very interesting that we both performed in London. What a coincidence! I enjoy learning about you as well!
